
About Us

TEKTRA Assists Your Business with Software/CRM Management Solutions. We have over 12 years of experience in CRM Management Solutions, this includes implementations, training, and consulting. Collectively, TEKTRA has completed over 120 CRM implementations successfully.

Who is tektra?

Founded 12 years ago, Tektra started its humble beginnings as a third-party licensed software service provider. The brand slowly grew into an all-rounded software and training provider. Today, Tektra is a partner with Zoho. Zoho is one of the world’s biggest web-based business tools service providers. They have won over 50 global awards in 2019 and 2021 for performance, innovation in technologies, Webware, customer relations management, and more. Our experience in CRM and software solutions is not limited to;

  • Financial Packages
  • Online E-commerce
  • Customer Support
  • Inventory Management
  • Intelligent Business Systems
  • Cloud Technology
  • Project Management
  • IT Management Systems
  • HR & Legal Systems

We offer cutting-edge technologies, business solutions to enhance the overall operations of your business. There is no problem too big or small for us to provide a solution for. The technologies we use have unlimited advantages which have assisted many businesses to run their operations efficiently at maximum functionality. We customize each solution to meet any of your business needs. Our systems and tools are also user-friendly, save you and your staff time and install strong values and client relationships.


Our director Dolan Govender has completed his BSc. Computer Science and Telecommunications degree at UKZN in 2006 and his sales management diploma in Varsity college in 2008.

Like most South Africans Dolan Govender could not afford to further his studies however he has received the opportunity and because of this seed that was sown in his life, he wants to make sure that he can make an impact in our economy by empowering businesses and youth with the software and training technology that only TEKTRA can offer.

We specialize in CRM Management Solutions, CRM SaaS Tools, CRM Cloud Technology, and Software Solutions along with other applications that enhance the operations of your business. We help better your business by simplifying decision-making, increasing efficiency, and building strong customer relationships.

Our brand has ensured the longevity of businesses in South Africa and the rest of the African continent by systemizing their companies so they can scale and grow their businesses. The software technologies and training solution innovations born from Tektra have ensured consistent customer relations management. Today Tektra is a well-known software technology brand as well as a fully licensed and innovative software training provider in the Business Tech, Health Tech, FinTech, and Ed Tech industries across the African continent.

Time for your business
To make an impact.

Over 12 years of experience in CRM Management Solutions, this includes implementations, training, and consulting. Collectively, TEKTRA has completed over 120 CRM implementations.

Our Client Testimonials

How has Tektra helped businesses and individuals over the past 12 years? A word from our trusted customers. 

Thank you guys very much for helping me get my business in order. Now I use Tektra solutions for all my departments.
Adam Sendler
Adam Group Int.
Thanks to Tektra, I can run and manage my business without being there on a daily basis.
Mila Kunis
Kunis (Pty) Ltd.
I struggled a lot with keeping records and tracking invoices for suppliers and customers. Tektra has made my life easier, I could not be thankful enough.
Mike Sendler
DMM Tech